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Paideia Workshops:

are working sessions in which information and content are presented, digested and analyzed with the intent to produce a product such as a vision statement, a mission statement, a strategic plan or a ministry development plan.  Each workshop can be crafted to meet the unique needs of the conference or church training attendees.  Garry M. Spotts, M.Div., is a Life and professional coach and mentor with 43 years of ministry experience.


A workshop’s success may be measured by the generation of a tangible result.

Paideia Workshops Catalog

The Paideia Workshops are designed to equip your church's or organizational leadership and church members with tools and strategies to enhance ministry development efforts. 


Each workshop is created to assist the  ministry development within the local congregation, conference or association.  The workshops a target the unique needs and interests identified by the pastor and organizational leadership.


The word, "Paideia" meaning "training or instruction," and is translated "instruction" in 2 Tim 3:16.

16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.

Course Type
Workshop Length
Legend Type
The Triple Braided Cord of Ministry: Building and empowering synergies in the local church for ministry
3 hours
What Jesus Says about Evangelism
6 hours
Family Ministry: The Bliss and The Blisters
4-6 hours
The Future Church
3 hours
Valuing Inclusiveness in Ministry
2-3 hours
The Full Ministry Church
6 hours
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